Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last ultrasound and update.

Well we got good news on the ultrasound this last Wednesday. So far our small baby girl is hanging in there. We think she may possible have more fluid. Which is great news. And so far the other girls fluid is still looking great. Perfect amount no more no less. Which is a good sign. You can see all there bladders which is GREAT. So we don't have another ultrasound for a couple weeks. I am almost to 20 weeks. And it seems each day i feel bigger and bigger. That's OK though. Me and corrie have set up our budget for the next few months. We decided to save for the car instead of getting a loan for one. We are hoping to purchase a new car in June or July. We think this is really going to be the only way we can get a new car cause of our past credit history. We just haven't had any luck getting a loan in the past and don't want to make things worse by trying over and over again. We are also planning to get a new dryer. Our dryer has been on the outs for a few months and we have been worried it will break and we will be in so much trouble. Most of what we do is laundry. And i know when the triplets get here we will have tons of laundry. So a dryer will be very much needed. My parents are coming down in a few weeks. We are so excited. Finally we both get a small break. Kaylie and Bradley have been acting out a bit. I know they feel the stress we have been very stressed and worried about everything. I mean its alot to handle especially when they tell u something maybe wrong with your babies. It worries u alot. Plus the fact that i cant help makes me so upset cause i have been the one doing it all for a long time now and now having to have and ask for help is hard for me. I mean i have some way made it all this time and now asking for help takes a bit of my pride away. But its all ok. Im going to need help with triplets. Its alot of babies, diapers, clothes,wipes, its alot of everything. Was watching about quads and they were using 32 diapers a day so maybe 6 less so we will be using basically a pack of diapers a day. Thats alot of diapers. But excited to get all this stuff set up and planned. So we will be prepared for anything.

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