Friday, February 5, 2010

7 years to soon.

Is a sad day today. Today is the 7 year anniversary of our friends Kimmy Bush, Brittany Tomb, and Bionca Tombs. Even after 7 years it still gets to me. Looking at facebook this morning was so hard. I miss them so much. I will never forget them. I know they are looking down on us and smiling bright at all that we are now. We have all changed so much. I like to think that each of us take a special piece of them with us every day.

Well today im very excited about my appointment on Monday. Today im relax i finally got threw with all that papers and stuff in that closet. I had like 8 boxs over full with stuff and now we have 3 boxes. And now i have sorted threw everything. So this weekend we are finally going get the room completely done for the babies. And then we can focus on the rest of the house. Finally get everything put in storage and get ready for all the wonderful people coming. I cant wait for people to come. I really need some help. I know this sounds so horrible but its getting so hard for me to move and do things. So soon im going to need more help. Im going to post some pics next week i think Ill be 15 weeks pregnant Next Thursday. Im getting so excited. I have done way more than i thought i could have accomplished this month. Im bad cause i want everything to be perfect and my house to look nice inside and outside so i have been kinda working pretty hard to get it that way before company comes. But once all this is all done im resting and taking it easy for the next 4 months. Maybe then i can keep these babies in here til 34 weeks or longer.

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