Monday, February 1, 2010


Well i have been on bedrest now for about three weeks. I have

Planned the baby shower
picked out names
started the registry
Made invite list
started a blanket
started the blog

Whew have done serval things. I went out this weekend and got a few things taking care of. We started cleaning out the closets and getting rid of things we cant use. Thinking about having a yard sale. I Have so many things and im sure a lot of people could still use. And whatever we dont sale i want to give to goodwill or charity. I have been kinda frustrated lately. I think being inside and not being able to do things by myself is just getting to me. I'm use to doing it all and now not being able to do anything is a little bit of a bummer. I'm tring to just relax but its hard with everything worries and all that. I don't want to put the babies in any danger and i know if my blood pressure goes up it could be bad fast. I watched the duggar baby 19 and it made me so scared. There baby was about 7 weeks earlier than my babies will be and it weigh 1lbs and 6 oz. Seeing it there so small. It broke my heart she didn't get to see her before they took her away. Its going to break my heart. I cried a lot last night. Hormones! I was also missing my grandma so much. I know shes with us but some days its hard. Also today is the anniversary of our friends getting killed in Iraq. Corries been having nightmares about it for a couple weeks now. I knew it was coming up fast but there isn't a day that goes by i don't think about them and how much i miss all of them. Its been 4 years since that horrible day. Well going to relax today and get my new diaper bag later today. Excited about that. Getting my hair cut tom. Excited about that. Going to give my hair to locks of love. Been wanting to for a long time now it should be more than long enough. well everyone have a good day will post pics tom

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